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During galactic activation portal days, the veil between dimensions (worlds) is thinner, which gives us the ability to channel guidance from God / source energy / Spirit and through our past (parallel) lives. During these galactic portal activation days, time feels like it is speeding up. We, the conscious collective, are going through quantum leaps (jumping timelines). The higher frequencies of these portal days, push us to dissolve karmic relationships, karmic jobs and all other karmic situations that no longer serve a purpose on our paths of self-healing. When we are releasing what no longer serves us, we are letting go of the old 3D (ego) false paradigms.

The higher vibrations of portal activation days help us purge the lower frequencies that have blocked us from being awakened and conscious to our true paths and divine life purpose, which is to be the Light Beings we have always been and were always meant to be. We are all experiencing some sort of shift out of the old 3D false programming. The 3D false programming seeks to keep us in the dark and attempts to dim or snuff out our inner light. In the 3D, we are being controlled by the 'dead end' fear of social conditioning through religious, educational and work systems. These 3D systems stifle our personal and spiritual growth, which imprisons us as 'followers'. This prevents us from being the leaders of our own individual life, purpose and path.

The intense energy shifts of Galactic portal activation days, cause us all to experience amplified ascension symptoms as well. Until these intense energies are anchored in to reality, we can feel physically exhausted and drained, lethargic and various aches and pains. You may also experience an array of digestive symptoms at this time. This is a sign that you are purging energetic blocks from your lower chakras, thus activating them. This will open up your energetic flow that grounds your light body into this reality. This is necessary for your healing and for your enlightenment, of your unique spiritual journey of ascension.

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Ascended Master Jesus Christ was the embodiment of unconditional love. The Christ Consciousness IS unconditional love.

As within, so without....

As above, so below...

Unconditional love is love without judgement. Unconditional love is love that comes from the heart that is untainted by the mind (ego). Conditional love says I love you, BUT....... Love with conditions is not love. Unconditional love says I love you always, no matter what your path. Regardless of your past or path.....I love you. Sometimes we have to let go (and let God) of the ones we allow them to walk their path. My path may be different than your path, and that's okay. We are all beautiful souls with our own unique passion and purpose. Sometimes people HATE those who are unique and different from the mainstream. What they are actually feeling is not hate but FEAR. The opposite of love is not hate. It's FEAR. Fear comes from a lack of understanding. Attempting to see things from the other person's perspective (even if we don't agree with it) will heal the fear that fuels hatred.

How do you love someone unconditionally? In order to love another unconditionally you must first have unconditional love for yourself. To be non-judgemental toward another is to be non-judgemental toward yourself. As souls, we came to the Earth plane to learn lessons at a soul level, to experience certain events and to make mistakes (be human) along the way. It's all part of the Divine Order and Divine Plan. If you want the world outside of you to change, you must first change the world within you. As within, so without....

"BE the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

When you love unconditionally you possess the ability to forgive others as well as yourself. To love unconditionally also includes setting healthy boundaries. Sometimes we have to love others from a distance in order to properly love ourselves. Unconditional love does NOT mean we allow others to hurt, use or abuse us. Unconditional love sometimes means sending those with toxic energy away from us with peace, love and light.

In the higher dimensions (including what many refer to as heaven) there is only one truth and that truth is love.

As above, so below.....

The Christ Consciousness is unconditional love and forgiveness of ourselves and others. This is the path of Ascension and the way to experience heaven on earth.

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Reiki is our Universal life force energy, our Chi. A practitioner of Reiki, is able to feel this energy, and through our hand chakras, help awaken and move and open up blockages that are preventing the flow of the energy in our chakras(our energy centers). Our chakras are connected to our physical body. So when there is a block in our energy, our physical body will display an illness or pain, or through our emotions, we will experience anxiety, depression, or other chemical imbalances. As we become consciously awakened (enlightened), we become stronger in our INNATE abilities, our Psychic Abilities. Our Psychic Abilities are our internal GPS system. Our ability to “feel” our internal GPS system, is our intuition. As we clean, clear, and heal our energetic light bodies, through creating balance with Reiki, we are able to have a clear connection with our Source Energy. This balance takes us back “Home”, to Source/God/Spirit/Universe. When our Life force Energy is healed, your awakening and self-awareness, brings you back on track with your Life Purpose, and you are shedding what no longer serves you, through Gratitude, Authenticity, and Universal Unconditional Love for yourself and for all.

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