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Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Although it is wonderful and beautiful and we are in awe of our awakenings, WE still harbor the fears and nonsense negativity of our 3D programming. Know yourself, Yes, love yourself, Yes, not through limitation of belief. Feel the Knowing of what is true, This is how to breakthrough the human condition of control and rules. Source / God / Collective Energy / WE are free, all encompassing, all knowing, all feeling, all loving.

Spirit is energy, We have a charge, We have a flow. When the human condition resists, there is a stagnate charge. Why resist love, happiness, because of conformality? MOVE OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE. Staying "safe" is code for "fear", which is a limiting inherit belief. Stay "safe" and you'll never go anywhere, experience, expand, learn and teach. So what do chose? Live someone else's fears, live someone else's beliefs? YOU are WORTH getting to know.

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There is a lot of information and misinformation out there today about the coronavirus. This is an excerpt from a message that Katherine channeled from a Pleiadian Collective called 'WE'. This message will not resonate with everyone.

This virus creates a shift in perception that is necessary to change the perceptions in the financial and health organizations because of the next step in technology that we are transitioning into. It creates a shift in perception that is necessary on the individual level as well. Challenging events, karmic cycles, soul catalysts happen FOR us and not to us. This virus is meant to help us evolve individually, as a collective and as the human race. It's like Judgement Day in a sense. Not all will make the free will choice to evolve from the 3D to the 5D. That is their choice. Ascension energies are very harsh and can take a toll on the physical body. Not all souls have chosen to make the transition to the 5D in the physical realm. The EVENT.....this transition is meant to be heaven on earth. A transition from the physical body to the light body without experiencing physical death. This virus is a change agent that is forcing humanity to go inside and reconnect with the divine, and learn to develop and learn our own intuition. Every human being on this planet has psychic is innate in us all. During this time it is very important to release fear of the illness, fear of the future and fear in general. We have the ability to create our own realities with only our thoughts. If you put fear energy into a situation you could be creating your own reality by making a bad situation even worse. Release all fear and trust in the divine, the universe and yourself. Keep your vibration high and give your body, mind and spirit the opportunity to heal itself. The ability to let go of all expectations and trust in the divine plan. The path of least resistance is going with the flow.

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As a Twin Flame you probably already know that there is a great purpose and mission during this incarnation on Earth. Sometimes it's not so easy to determine what that mission is. As a twin flame collective we all share a common mission, then as we advance along our path our specific mission is revealed to us. But first let's discuss the common mission. Twin Flames are here as mentors, guides and pioneers during this very challenging transition into the New Earth. As Twin Flames we are here to tear down old paradigms. Relationship and work systems that have never worked and have only stifled us in the past must be discarded so that a new paradigm can take its' place. This is accomplished through our own self healing, self love, forgiveness and the ability to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Loving unconditionally does not mean allowing someone to treat you in any way that you don't deserve to be treated, including your Twin Flame. When we can love ourselves completely and unconditionally we can transcend all negative attachments and karmic patterns. As we heal and love ourselves (yes even our perceived negative aspects) boundaries in our romantic relationships, work relationships, familial relationships, etc are automatically put into place which allows us to transcend the 3D and operate on a 5D level. In doing this we are a positive example to all those around us. As we heal and embody the Christ Consciousness we raise our vibration which in turn raises the vibration of the planet as well as the collective. As Twin Flames just starting the journey, we tend to focus on Union with our TF. Separation is painful, healing is painful and karmic relationships are painful. We have to experience these things in order to transcend these things. Your Union will come if you are willing to walk this path. This Twin Flame journey is one of ascension and this IS your mission. Focus on your mission and your Union will materialize in the physical. If you are stuck on your journey book an appointment with us today. We use our abilities and our experience to break through blocks and quantum leap you on your journey.

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