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I have struggled my entire life with being different. First.....I was adopted so I always felt as though I was very different from my siblings and other family members. I tried to fit in but it was like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. No matter how hard I just wasn't possible. It took a very long time for me to understand (after my spiritual awakening) that I was never designed to fit in. As a light-worker, starseed or twin flame we all have psychic abilities that are innate whether they are developed or not. When our creativity and abilities are stifled it creates resistance and can manifest as physical or psychological disease. But as we awaken spiritually we soon realize that there is nothing wrong with us.....we are just different. We are different for very good reason...we have a special mission here on Gaia that involves using the gifts that God / Universe gave us to help others during this Great Awakening. We always fit in and always have a sense of belonging with our soul families.

The card for today is Moldavite from the Crystal Angels deck. You're unique qualities should be celebrated...they are your super powers and they are a part of your life's purpose. If your opinions and ways of thinking don't align with others around you this is actually a sign of your creative ability. You're ability to look at things from a different perspective will help others out of their own stagnation and is something the world desperately needs right now. The path of the light-worker / starseed / twin flame can be quite lonely at times because we are so different. Just like Moldavite, we are other-worldly in a sense but...there are many other like us scattered around our villages, towns, cities and the world. Take advantage of social platforms such as FaceBook to reach out to and connect to other members of your soul family. You are all welcome to join our FaceBook group.

Moldavite is a clear, green crystal that comes from meteorites and is only found in the Czech Republic. Moldavite radiates a very high energy and may make you feel light headed and ungrounded. Moldavite is a catalyst for lucid dreaming, astral projection and meditations for World Peace.

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The coronavirus (COVID-19) either has or will impact every human being on this planet. My twin flame and I are still recovering from the illness and we want to share our experiences (symptoms) and also discuss how we believe the virus is affecting us on spiritual level. In addition to the physical symptoms, we believe this illness is energetic in many ways and will respond according to how you respond to it. There is a lot of collective fear regarding the virus at this time. Fear causes stress and stress weakens the immune system. A compromised immune system struggles to fight off disease which in turn can make us sicker. The physical symptoms we experienced were fortunately mild compared to what others have had to endure. Fatigue, fever, rash, headache and shortness of breath lasted for several days then the symptoms were gone for us. We still experience fatigue and headache but not consistently. We boosted our immune system with elderberry and allowed our bodies to rest so they could heal properly. We also practiced reiki daily, invoked the violet flame and meditated.

The physical implications have been very mild for us but the spiritual impact of having COVID-19 was much greater. As light-workers, starseeds and twin flames we have been through more karmic cycles than least I have. My karmic cycle has been my employment. I knew that the Divine was asking me to take a leap of faith regarding our spiritual business. But like many others have before me, I chose to be guided by fear rather than love. If I could just take that leap of faith, surrender and let go I would discover that we are fully supported by the universe. Instead I chose to cling to a job out of a false sense of security. I believed this job provided stability, security and some abundance. But what I thought was providing security was actually blocking our abundance. When I became sick with COVID-19 (and then we were both sick) it forced me to stay home and work on our mission and life purpose. It was a, maybe not so gentle, nudge to remove me from a situation that no longer served me and was not in alignment with my highest good.

The spiritual impact of COVID-19 will be different for everyone but it has forced the collective to stop, go within and start to look at the world from a new perspective. COVID-19 is the story. What is the story behind the story? What is the Divine wanting you to examine? COVID-19 is a catalyst to 'The Event'....the great awakening. We can't change the tragedy and heartbreak that is happening all over the planet. It is part of a Divine Plan that we can't fully comprehend at the moment. What we CAN change is how we react to these painful times. We CAN change how we react to this disease. Release FEAR and ask yourself.....what beautiful and positive things can be born out of this tragedy? We are light-workers, we are strong and we will not fail in our mission. We are all connected and together we can raise the vibration of Gaia and all of its' inhabitants. Together we can ascend and transcend the darkness that is being purged from this planet.

Love and light to all you beautiful Light Warriors! Please show your support by subscribing to our youtube channel

and subscribing to our e-mail list. Thank you so much!!!

Katherine and Tonya

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There are many terms for what we know of as a false twin flame. False twins, pre-twins and / or soul catalysts are similar to other karmic soulmates. There is only one true twin flame, but these other types of soulmates may come in first to prepare us for the twin flame relationship. They come into our lives to teach lessons, to initiate soul growth or to balance karmic scales. So...why are these soulmates so hard to detach from? Because they have to be. However you want to label them, these connections must FEEL like a twin flame connection. It is very likely that prior to meeting the catalyst you had never heard of the term twin flame much less have any understanding of what the twin flame journey actually is. We hope to answer some of these questions here.

Katherine and I both had catalyst pre-twins that quantum leaped our spiritual awakening. I met my pre-twin in 2017 and we were together for just a short time. It was after we separated that I started my dark night of the soul and spiritual awakening. Prior to that I knew absolutely nothing about spiritualism or twin flames. I even thought soulmates were just a concept and not something based in reality. It was during this dark night of the soul that I was initiated into the twin flame journey. It's called an initiation because that is exactly what it is. As twin flames we go through a series of very challenging tests that lead to soul growth, healing and self-mastery. It's a journey not a destination. The journey to self mastery can be extremely difficult as we are forced to examine the parts of ourselves (shadow aspects) that we have likely buried for a very long time. I remember more times than I can count when I wanted to just give up. I would have given up had my true twin and my spirit guides not been there to save me. When a twin flame wants to give up the journey, the universe tends to bombard you with signs and synchronicities and tower moments. It becomes easier to stay on path than to try to get off of it. The motivating factor should always be your own self healing and ascension. Your twin flame union is the byproduct of the journey itself.

There needs to be a shift in perception in how we look a the pre twin or karmic soulmate. A lot of twins seem to get stuck in this phase of the journey. The karmic connection can be painful beyond belief. It looks like a twin and feels like a could it not be a twin? Because you're not yet ready for a twin flame relationship. To me it's like practicing for the big game. The World Cup. You are expected to make mistakes when you are practicing, that's what it's for. You are perfecting your technique for the real deal so when the day finally comes you will be your very best. So to put it simply a karmic connection is practice. You will make a lot of mistakes but you will always have the ability to move forward as long as you can learn from them. It MUST feel real (heartbreakingly) because this is the best way to prepare you for your Union.

The video above goes into detail about the signs that your connection may be karmic rather than a true twin flame. If this describes your current situation it is NOT bad news. It doesn't mean you are not a twin flame. It absolutely means that you ARE a twin flame and you are on the path to union (reunion). We are all part of the twin flame collective so NEVER give up on your twin flame. Giving up on your twin flame is giving up on yourself. There IS hope and Union WILL happen!

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