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We are excited about our new series on our YouTube Channel....Twin Flames Raw! In this series we go live weekly from our YouTube channel to discuss current ascension energies and collective challenges.

We are also answering questions for a short Spirit Session Reading. Please LIKE 👍🏽, Subscribe, and Join us for an enlightening time!

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As we venture out into our new year, be kind to yourself. So much of what has transpired in 2020, is spilled over into 2021. This is why a cloud of disillusionment made us question our paths. As we all, release and let go of expectations of what will happen next, we can (as the collective we are),  eliminate fear and doubt (EGO), from our outcomes, and heal our connection with Spirit/God/Universe. Healing our connection involves having faith in Divine Guidance and Divine Timing. Having Trust in the Divine, is having trust in yourself, and loving yourself. You are worth making Your Heaven on Earth and this is something that only YOU can do. Your environment sets the tone for your expansion. So, what do you see around you? The energy and the momentum of your inner healing, is reflected in everything you do, say, and touch. For example, Is your home cluttered? This says you are wanting to move forward, but are in lack of Confidence, self-love, self-worth, codependency, and freedom. TRUST in the Divine, and your Spirit removes blocks and obstacles on your path. Faith is believing, in the Divine Order of situations and circumstances in your life. Faith is an inner knowing, that whatever you are experiencing, IS for your highest good and learning. Having Patience in this process, is realizing, that all that you have been feeling in lack of, is a reflection of how you are feeling about yourself, as do your actions and reactions in moments of discontent. When we are waiting, and waiting, for a particular outcome that didn’t materialize, this is a BIG sign that there wasn’t balance or an alignment with our Highest Good for all, through God/Spirit/and The Universe. Everything has a purpose, and an objective balance. This is what allows us, as a collective, to evolve consciously. Being disconnected from GOD/SPIRIT within, causes chaos, anger, dis-ease, confusion, control, codependency, abandonment, fear, outrage, rage, depression, manipulation, feeling lost and let down, and so on. These issues are 3D behavior. In 3D perceptions and perspectives, we look for validation to rationalize, through our minds, and what we “Think”, becomes our religion. What we “think” comes from our 3D minds, and our beliefs are born, of what our society and social conditioning, tells us that what we “See”, is truth, and like sheeple, we follow. The brain/mind, does not “Feel”, it doesn’t have nociceptors, that are pain indicators, and let you know there is something wrong and out of balance. The heart does. It beats in the frequency of the Earth. Therefore, our heart center, is sensitive to every shift and every bump in our paths. 5D consciousness, is born from our faith in the “unseen”. What we don’t “see” is what we trust, by “feeling” our direction through our inner guidance, God/Spirit/Universe. This Guidance is our knowing that we, individually, don’t call all the shots. Our energetic connection to our Earth, tells us everything we ever want to know, about ourselves and our environment. So, as a collective, we are creating our Worlds. There isn’t a Heaven on earth, when Ego minds have created separation and disillusionment, through Control. Which in turn, is what those in this 3D mindset, are in lack of within themselves. Which is a lack of Love, Peace, Compassion, Consideration, and lack of conscious evolution of the self and for others. This is selfish action. This creates a stagNation. Selflessness is healing oneself, for the Highest Good of the Whole of ALL of the inhabitants of our Universe. This behavior creates a flow, and the power of our inner knowledge, through our connection with our Higher Selves, removes obstacles preventing us, as a whole, to move forward, in building solid and unshakable foundations, that we can ALL Be Proud of and Love. This 5D consciousness is what Builds bridges, that Unite our causes, determinations, and heals our strifes, through our Awareness of Love in the Light. The current events of our Country’s Leadership, is the example. There is an ambiance of peace, restoration, faith, perseverance, and Unity through Love. And Love doesn’t come easy, because it isn’t given or promised. Love is an inner knowing, and discernment of ourselves, which is built through the state of inner Union with our Source Energy, God. So, for a more perfect Union With, not under, God, we are Knowing, that we were all created equally in our freedom to discern and chose the truth, in the enlightenment of our journey, as a whole.

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We have been becoming aware of the stress and bitterness and chaos, that the twin flame community has been experiencing. The twin flame journey is ONE of the paths to enlightenment. There are many paths that a LightWorker can be waking up to. As workers of the Light, the Ascension Process is meant to raise the consciousness to experience self awareness. Through this process, our Spirit / Higher Self, begins to heal and release perceptions, from lower density social conditioning, that keep you closed off from our true selves and the awareness of unity consciousness. The enlightened, the 'LightWorker', has many names. We are Energy Healers, Reiki Practitioners, Psychics, Mediums, Tarot and Oracle Card Readers, Spiritual and Ascension Coaches, Twin Flames, and so on. A LightWorker, is someone following a calling to help raise the vibration of the Earth, by the healing of the SELF, for the good of the whole, from a higher love and state of being. And this is not an easy task. The inner healing we experience can seem brutal, especially through the dark night of the soul. Everything that we shed lightens energy, allowing us to get back to our SOURCE energy, GOD, SPIRIT, and the UNIVERSE within. Through this awareness, we are in the allowing of Divine guidance, that leads us to our purpose and mission, and to the knowing of why we chose to have this particular human experience. This Awakening causes us to go deep within and discover the self-love, the self-worth that is needed for the type of 'light-worker' that we are called upon to BE. This process is similar for all on this path. This is where we feel so much confusion is happening about the Twin Flame Journey. Twin Flames are Light-Workers that chose to awaken to the calling of being a positive example of embodying the unconditional love of God, the Divine Source Energy. The truth of the calling of this particular Light-Working Path, is in the inner healing. Twin Flames share the Light of our Inner Divinity, and, we come together in physical union experiencing an unconditional, harmonious relationship. In the human experience, the EGO, causes a separation and creates a block that shuts us off from anything that is NOT tangible. This, in turn, creates a separation from our conscious self. Our conscious self is our inner knowing, which is the awareness of our SPIRIT, our SOUL, our spark of DIVINITY. Our social conditioning, through the ego of man, has created and illusion of LOVE, that caters to the ego, For free will. This 3D ego love is manipulation through all sorts of restrictions, limitations and conditions. All of this discord, keeps us far from our inner knowing, and into the shadows of fear, doubt and anger. Taking us even further from the truth of our existence. This darkness keeps us from experiencing and embodying the energy of our creator, which is a collective of unconditional unity love. This is why we are never alone. The shadow energy of the ego will block this awareness with its rules, out of the control of others, for personal gain. Through this separation of the self from GOD / SOURCE energy, we feel alone, and relationships with others are born. These 3D relationships are of codependency, abandonment, self-sabotage, control and manipulation. These are only a few symptoms of the separation in our relationship of our self awareness from our Divine unconditional consciousness. Through an awakening, the shedding of our 3D perceptions, releases us from the bondage of social conditioning and we return to Divine Unconditional Love, by embodying the love for ourselves. Twin Flames come into physical and inner union for the purpose of this demonstration, and this demonstration shares the vibration and frequencies needed to help elevate the conscious awareness of humanity. Twin Flames are only ONE example of a healing modality for the unity consciousness of the planet. The healing experienced of the relationship of our inner selves is why so many going through an awakening, are thinking they are twin flames. As you heal your self-love, you are, through the Universal Law of Attraction, manifesting a physical relationship, that is a vibrational match to your level of self-love and self-worth. This can feel like the bliss that is experienced and demonstrated by the Divine Union of Twin Flames. However, if you are resistant in shedding the ego, for the healing of self-love, you will continue to attract an example of what you are needing to release. This can be a repetitive cycle of karmic relationships and situations. These repetitive cycles make you feel stuck in running from, and chasing after, your needed inner healing, through someone else. The EGO will always look for external guidance because of the disconnection that society has created between our consciousness and our soul. Not everyone is designed for the Twin Flame path, however, the journey back to SOURCE, is felt the same for all on the journey of enlightenment, which is from the love and unity from within. YOUR TRUTH is in your healing. Release and let go of all that no longer serves you, and you will have clarity of your path and your relationship with the Divine in you.

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