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There is likely not a soul on the planet today that has not been affected by a toxic relationship in one form or another. We refer to these types of relationships as karmic soulmates or soul catalysts. In some cases this could be classified as a false twin flame. In this video, we go into detail about when it is time to leave this type of relationship and cut all energetic cords.

  1. You should always leave a relationship if you feel your safety is compromised. These types of karmic connections are to teach lessons and are not meant to last. No matter how much you love someone, it just won't last under these circumstances. It will never get better.

  2. If your person is using emotional or psychological manipulation, it's time to go. This relationship is not based on unconditional love but on control. Your person should always seek to build you up, not tear you down and manipulate you to THEIR will. It's your life, take your power back.

  3. If there is no real emotional connection, it's time to go. A relationship based on sex / physical attraction is just that and will yield nothing else.

  4. A healthy relationship is one of boundaries. A relationship that is lacking healthy boundaries, breeds low self esteem.

  5. Through your own healing, the raising of your vibration and ascension - your person does not experience soul growth of their own. If this is the case, it is likely they were not meant to spiritually awaken in this lifetime, and you will no longer be in vibrational alignment to remain in a relationship with this person.

Some final thoughts:

If a person is displaying narcissistic or abusive traits there, needs to be a separation in order to give them the opportunity to learn and grow at a soul level.

Do not stay with someone hoping that they will change and get better. It is not our jobs to try to save or fix another person. All we can do is plant the seeds of positive change so that they can do their own inner soul work. We can not do the work for them.

Don't be an enabler. Staying in a toxic relationship will not help you or the other person. It's better to move on with strength and confidence alone, than to stay in a toxic environment.

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Manifestation is all about being in alignment. In order to manifest that which we desire, we must be in vibrational alignment with it. Your power in manifesting the life of your dreams is in remembering what you chose to experience in this lifetime. Abraham Hicks

refers to this as your vortex or vibrational escrow. So, everything we desire is available to us when we can match the vibration of it. This is why we are successful in manifesting. We are remembering something that is already there and available to us. We are not waiting for the Universe to send us what we are asking for, the Universe is waiting for us to get into vibrational alignment with that which we seek. You can not manifest what you desire from a lack mentality. You can, however, manifest what you do not want from lack....which is more lack! We manifest abundance when we have an abundance mindset just like we manifest lack from a mindset of lack. It really is that simple. Buddha says what you think you become, what you feel you attract and what you imagine, you create. Our ability to manifest is limited only by our imaginations. There are no limits. The Law of Attraction is Universal, it applies to everyone without prejudice. We are here during this time to remember that we are co-creators. We co-create our realities along with the Universe. The knowledge that we can change our reality by changing our perception is our super power. The Universe is limitless, there is more than enough abundance for us all.

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The word 'chakra' literally means 'wheel' or vortex in Sanskrit. Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies. Although we have hundreds, there are seven main chakras that we need to maintain at a healthy level.

Energetically, the chakras correspond to the glands of the endocrine system. Being out of balance energetically, can lead to physical, emotional and mental imbalances. The endocrine system is a collection of glands that are responsible for the production of hormones that regulate systems such as metabolism, sexual function and reproduction. Hormonal and energetic imbalances can even affect your mood. When our chakras are healthy and balanced, it enables the endocrine system to more effectively do its job, and also allows us to easily have a happy and healthy mind, body and spirit.

When clearing and balancing the chakras, it is best to start with the lower chakras and work your way to the upper chakras. The second chakra is the sacral chakra or the Svadisthana. It is located just below the navel around the upper part of the sacrum. It is represented by the color orange.

The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, relationships and sexuality. It is through the sacral chakra that we give birth to creative projects, relationships and new souls into our world. Physically it is associated with the adrenal glands which are located just above the kidneys.

When your sacral chakra is blocked or out of balance you may have walls built up as a line of defense and protection. These defenses are put into place in an attempt to avoid what we are truly feeling. This is a self-imposed prison that traps us and denies us meaningful relationships. When we are making love to our partner the kundalini energy which lies within the base (root) chakra is meant to rise into our higher chakras. When the sacral chakra is blocked the kundalini energy is unable to rise past this point, denying us what should be a truly blissful experience with our partner. This can lead to great frustration as we are not able to experience lasting fulfillment on a soul level in addition to a physical level. This can cause some to seek out different partners in order to find this blissful connection. Addictions of all kinds are associated with an imbalanced sacral chakra as we are constantly attempting to seek solutions from outside of ourselves rather than looking within for the answers. Healing the sacral chakra will allow the kundalini energy to flow naturally enabling us to experience true intimacy with another.

When we are unaware of the energies of the sacral chakra, we can unknowingly add fuel to the fires of control, jealousy, anger and the inability to receive love. Through awareness comes power and the ability to achieve true intimacy with another person, both physically and on a soul level. This type of loving union is unconditional. As we heal our sacral chakra we have the ability to love ourselves unconditionally (self-love) and release our perceived need to build defensive walls. This opens up the natural flow of giving and receiving love.

Here is a list of ways you can heal and balance the sacral chakra.

  1. Reiki - you can have a session with a Reiki practitioner or you can administer Reiki to yourself. Reiki is life force energy and is available to us all.

  2. Affirmations - you can listen to sacral chakra affirmations as you go about your day.There are many sacral chakra affirmations videos available on YouTube.

  3. Chakra meditations - There are also many excellent chakra meditations available on YouTube.

  4. Dance, sing, paint or engage in any activity where you can express your creativity and experience joy.

  5. Practice Yoga or Tai Chi - There are specific poses that work well for clearing and balancing the sacral chakra (as well as the other chakras).

  6. Crystals such as yellow topaz, orange calcite, carnelian and moonstone help to activate and clear the sacral chakra.

  7. Sound and vibrational healing. You can listen to a video (headphones are best) or use a crystal singing bowl tuned to the frequency of the sacral chakra.

  8. The sacral chakra can benefit from the use of essential oils such as sandalwood, jasmine and rose oil.

NOTE: If you use crystals in your chakra work, remember to cleanse and recharge them after each use. Place your crystals in the light of the full moon or place them next to a piece of selenite.

If you are interested in becoming a Reiki Practitioner, you can contact us at If you would like to book a Reiki Session with us, click on our SERVICES section of this site for more information and to book with us online.

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