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How are you feeling? What are going through? Your experiences before and after a Full Moon, are what you are needing to release Control from. The Higher purpose of a Full Moon, is to awaken you to Higher Learning of yourself. This means to release the illusion of control. Whatever you resist, will persist. Why? Because whatever the situation or person, creating uneasiness in your life, is not meant for your future or fits in your present. Affirmations cannot ignite, without the space for them. In letting go of everything that you have been taught to believe, look at yourself naked in a mirror and feel what you see. This is your truth, no one else’s. Your Truth is in your light, and you are a Spark of the Divine Source energy within, called your Soul. Your Soul is who you truly are. Who are YOU?

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These questions will always be tested, argued and explored. This is the evolution of our consciousness. This process is enlightenment. This exploration is a premeditated awakening. There is a purpose, grander that we will ever know in one human experience.


Every lifetime, every human experience, is a journey of seed planting. The seeds, your eternal ethereal knowledge, is what shape the direction of, evolving from our subconscious mind, to our soul's consciousness. Time over time, the enlightenment downloads we receive, are triggers and codes that awaken our crystalline DNA. Our crystalline DNA are the blueprints of life force, chi, soul...our energy light imprint. The crystalline DNA that we awaken...will stay awakened lifetime to lifetime.


Our light bodies, which is our true form, are composed of energy, frequencies and vibrations. Whichever they are, they mold our level of consciousness for the next lifetime. This is how and why the human experience becomes more and more evolved, for our survival and the conditions of the planet. Our light consciousness makes each one of us, a seed of the expansion, needed for the betterment of humanity. Coming together in a Unity Consciousness, speeds up this process.

If you are seeking guidance on your spiritual journey or ascension path book a Spirit Session with us today!

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What is your dream?

Are you living your dream?

These are the questions to ask yourself, when you are feeling stagnant. Your dream can look like whatever you want, once you are KNOWING who you are.

This comes first.

WHO are you and WHY?

This requires introspection and self healing, to discover the answer. Your answer will come to you, through your faith. So, what do you believe in? Ask yourself this question through YOUR authenticity, not what you are conditioned to think or believe in.

Your TRUE self, in faith, will always guide you to your your PURPOSE, in this Human experience.

If your are needing guidance on your ascension / spiritual path book a Spirit Session with us today. We will channel your Higher Self and Spirit Guides to assist you in finding a way forward.

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