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Hello Keepers of the Light, Star Family. Thank you for sharing your Divine Timing with us.

Today is a day that has never been experienced before. But you recognize this day, because you can feel it. This Recognition is your knowing. Your connection to your inner Divinity tells you, that, today is your BEST day.


Because today, you are consciously and mindfully, feeling your Heaven on earth. As you have ascended into Unity Consciousness, you are NOW, willingly co-creating this paradise. It takes a village to grow a community of peace and they are ready. Who are you allowing to help?

It is no longer an issue of trust or love or discerning another’s energy. Your willingness, your unconditional love, tells you that you are “feeling” and remembering the Divinity in others. These others are your Soul Family and they are just as loving, supportive, and guided to the awakening, as YOU are.

Yes. Did you feel that? There has been a shift.

As a collective consciousness in Unity, you have passed through a very pivotal timeline. Our anticipation of this uncharted territory, is the symptoms of ascension. Our position of objectivity, gave us a benefit of the doubt. So, we poked and prodded your journey. We have whispered guidance into your ears. We have shown you Heaven in your thoughts. We have activated Love, into your DNA. Our faith, in YOU, is trust. And PATIENCE is the guidance, that you awaken through. Give your Patience, to the “others” in your human experience. For, “they” chose to BE your purpose for awakening. They chose to forget who they truly are, but you didn’t. Remember this. You KNOW their truth. Love everyone through your Patience.

Sending much peace and light. -AUHLTA Channeled by Katherine P. Lopez

Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay

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Hello Light Workers, Star Seeds. I am AUHLTA of Atlantis. Thank you for sharing your Divine Timing with us.

You come into this human experience, gung-ho! You are vibrating high to get this mission done. Because you/us/we, are at the finish line, with all that we have learned and experienced of the 3D vibration. You are excited about this particular human experience because in this one, you are integrating all that you have explored. You are reaping the rewards, per say, in this last one. You chose to have this disassociation of your experiences. These are aspects of yourself from other “life times”(other human experiences). You chose to teach how to integrate all of your selves, into one. This means to bring your manifestations, your heaven on earth, the easy life. But, like earth school, you must graduate into your light body ascension, in order to receive your PhD.

This is why you are on a healing path, of releasing all of your past lifetimes. In short, the disassociation is that, you are needing to retrieve and integrate your soul. Cut cords with all of your human experiences. This centers and grounds you. In other words, helps you enlighten. Which means to remember who you are. Shedding light on the darkness. See how we got these terms? The knowledge has always been there for you all. Always in plain view until you are ready to know it. In YOUR Divine Timing.

The biggest perception to release, is your life purpose. The disassociation that needs to happen, is with the 3D subconsciousness. This divided consciousness is a vibration, that is too low, for the vibration of our “conscious” source energy vibration. This is where the terms, awakening and woke come from. You need to wake up from the human experience, that you chose to have, as your greatest achievement.

Retirement and smooth sailing. The human 3D subconsciousness feels this perception of completion. We come in backwards, because we ARE the professors already. But, since YOU ARE the answer, your purpose is to create the formula. Jesus did this, Buddha, and other enlightened Human Experiences. We are a few others, that took on the same task. To be pioneers of what/why/how to do, with what our Light has illuminated.

Sending much Peace and Light.


Channeled by Katherine Lopez

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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Hello light workers and Star seeds. I am AUHLTA of ATLANTIS. Thank you for sharing your divine timing with us.

Today, you are seeing with your soul eye. This vision, isn’t new at all. You are looking through, what your soul source ancestors envisioned, for the role of this planet. This vision is of unconditional love, bliss, abundance, and the beauty way, for you and our evolving Star seed family.

The calibration of our collective light grid, IS what your mission and Journey is all about. YOU are the way showers: How to Grow Unconditionally on a 3D planet. How? By loving yourself.

Yes. Did you feel that? There has been a shift.

It doesn’t take much, just your awareness. Awareness is Awakening to knowledge. This knowing is your passion, for your inner truth. And you did it! Our collective consciousness has brought a healing peace. A peace that says, All is possible now. Heaven on this Beautiful Earth is here. It always has been. You just needed to feel it, within yourself. This feeling is your Soul Source Connection to GOD, to Spirit, to US, Your Star Seed Ancestors. Continue to acknowledge your lineage of Light. You ARE the frequencies that co-creates this Paradise we call Earth.

Sending Much Peace & Light.


Channeled by Katherine Lopez

Image by Daniel Hannah from Pixabay

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